Making Great Stories Possible
When you support Trevecca with a financial contribution, you're building a future for students who will carry God’s story of hope and restoration through their careers, families and communities. This is kingdom work that's always a worthwhile investment.
The Power of Giving
Your contributions play a pivotal role in nurturing the aspirations of students like Naomi. Every donation brings students closer to the call God has placed on their lives, and each gift is an investment in future servant leaders who can make a real difference in the world around them.
Areas of Giving
From supporting the areas of greatest need to helping a specific cause that’s especially near to your heart, you can designate your financial gift to benefit the Trevecca community according to your wishes. Here are a few categories you can choose to support.
Academic Programs
Support the academic discipline of your choice with a gift that helps fund a specific department or degree program.
Annual Scholarships
Scholarships in this category are funded by donors on a yearly basis and then awarded based on the available funds.
Endowed Scholarships
Named scholarships are made possible by endowments, and can be used for general purposes or directed to specific areas of study.
Athletic Facilities
Donor funds are a driving force behind facility additions and upgrades that enable success in Trevecca’s NCAA Division II sports programs.
Urban Farm
This unique, community-focused program has been recognized with multiple environmental awards for providing both sustainable resources and educational opportunities.
Campus Improvements
A state-of-the-art residence hall, a new STEM facility and student center renovations are among the recent campus projects made possible by Trevecca donors.
Trevecca Annual Fund
Like any growing organization, Trevecca relies on a variety of systems and operations, and this flexible giving category benefits the most urgent and immediate needs of the University.
Ways to Give
By accepting a number of methods for delivering a financial gift to Trevecca, including all of those listed below, we make it as convenient as possible to support your alma mater.
Online Giving
Contributing through an online gift allows you to give anywhere and anytime, with options for one-time and recurring donations. Trevecca accepts all major credit cards, Paypal and Venmo.
Cash or Check
Checks should be made payable to Trevecca Nazarene University. Please include your fund designation selection on the memo line of your check or in a note with your gift. Gifts should be mailed to:
Trevecca Nazarene University
Office of University Engagement
333 Murfreesboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37210-2877
Credit Card
Trevecca accepts all major credit cards as well as Paypal and Venmo. Credit-based gifts can be submitted through our secure payment website, or by calling Trevecca’s engagement specialist for gift stewardship at (615) 248-1413.
Gift Matching
Many corporations match University gifts made by employees, retirees and family members, and this can be an excellent way to multiply your giving. To find out whether your employer participates, consult Trevecca’s Matching Gift Program or contact the Office of University Engagement at (615) 248-1355. If you’d like to set up a gift match on behalf of your organization, please call (615) 248-1355.
Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
This fast-growing charitable giving mechanism offers an immediate deduction on your gift, and allows you to recommend grants to qualified charities like Trevecca. The University's legal name (Trevecca Nazarene University), mailing address (333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37210-2877) and tax I.D. number (62-0497990) are needed to set up a Donor Advised Fund. Visit Trevecca’s DAF web page to learn more and
make a gift.
The donation of stocks or securities is another way to contribute financially to Trevecca. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when transferring these assets:
- If a stock is held in a brokerage account, please forward the following information to your broker to facilitate an electronic transfer:
- Trevecca’s Broker:
Charles Schwab
520 Cool Springs Blvd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Nicole West, 615-771-1734
DTC number: 0164 | Account number: 1374-7848
- Trevecca’s Broker:
- Please check with your broker about the timing needed to ensure a transfer within the current calendar year, if that is beneficial for tax purposes.
- Since a donor’s name is not included with an electronic transfer, please notify the Office of University Engagement if you make a stock transfer, including the type of stock and the number of shares. Lisa Hathcock can be reached at (615) 248-1413 or
- Tax credits are issued on the date a stock transfer arrives in Trevecca’s account.
Legacy Planning
Including Trevecca in your will or trust is a simple but powerful way to make TNU part of your legacy. This type of gift costs you nothing today, and it helps ensure that Trevecca’s tradition of leadership and service can flourish for years to come.
FreeWill is a simple and efficient way to create your legacy with Trevecca. This online will-writing tool can help you begin your will today, and it’s easy to include Trevecca in your plans. The process takes only 20 minutes to finish, and is completely free.
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan is also an excellent way to make a gift to Trevecca. For details, visit our beneficiary designation gifts web page.
You can learn more about these opportunities and even more options, like gift annuities, through our planned giving hub.
Giving in the form of cryptocurrency is an option on our secure online giving page. This is another type of gift that costs you nothing today, and helps grow Trevecca’s tradition of leadership and service into the future.
IRA Charitable Rollover
For donors 70½ or older, an IRA charitable rollover can be a way to lower income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. You can learn more about this method of giving and make your gift on our IRA charitable rollover web page.
Church Giving & Engagement
Without our church partnerships, we couldn't effectively carry out our mission to educate servant leaders. We're grateful for the financial support of all our partner churches. We're also grateful for the opportunity to provide programs that support ministries like Trevecca's Center for Pastoral Health, formed in partnership with the Southeast District of the Church of the Nazarene.

Our Donors
We are proud to show our appreciation for the many alumni, friends, churches and organizations
who support the mission of Trevecca through financial contributions, including those mentioned below.

Church of the Nazarene Southeast Field
Trevecca is one of 54 colleges, universities and seminaries worldwide affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. The churches in the Southeast Region generously support Trevecca with gift support totaling nearly $2 million each year. All of these funds are used to support student scholarships.
Churches can make budget payments to Trevecca by electronic fund transfer using our secure online giving website. Questions about education budget payments can be directed to Lisa Hathcock at or (615) 248-1413.
Grants & Foundations
Donor Recognition Societies
SocietyTrevecca Society recognizes those donors whose annual giving totals $1,000 or more.
The Adams League
of Loyal DonorsThe Adams League of Loyal Donors honors donors who have given donations of any amount for five or more consecutive years.
Legacy PartnersTrevecca Legacy Partners comprise individuals who have notified the University in writing that Trevecca is part of their estate plans.

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I make a gift now?
Visit our online giving page to find a number of electronic giving options, or call the Office of University Engagement at (615) 248-1355 to make a credit card gift by phone.
What areas of Trevecca can I support directly with a financial gift?
Donors can choose to designate a gift to scholarships, programs of study, facilities, athletics or a variety of other designations. Please visit our giving page to see a complete list of options.
How do I know if my employer will match a gift to Trevecca?
You can search our Matching Gift Program database for information about corporate matching, or contact your company’s human resources department.
How can I start a new scholarship at Trevecca?
First, you need to decide what type of student you would like to assist. This could be based on academic area, geography, financial need or a combination of these and/or other factors. It’s important to note that scholarships with fewer designations/restrictions are easier to award than those with many restrictions.
Second, decide if you want to fund an endowed scholarship or an annual scholarship. An endowed scholarship, requiring a minimum of $20,000 reached within 3 years, consists of funds that are already invested so that the income is available to award. An annual scholarship is awarded only as funds are available. Some donors choose to fund a combination of an endowed and an annual scholarship.
The third step involves naming the scholarship fund. If the scholarship is provided for a particular type of student, it’s helpful if that is reflected generally in the name (a scholarship for education majors might have “education” in the name, for example). Many donors choose to honor or memorialize a family member or friend, while others include their own name.
Finally, you will work with a member of the Office of University Engagement to draft written guidelines that clearly spell out the details of the scholarship.
For more information about establishing a scholarship, please contact the vice president for university engagement at (615) 248-1451 or the director of planned giving at (615) 248-1213.
How do I put Trevecca in my will?
FreeWill is an easy-to-use tool through which you can write a will and include Trevecca. For more information, please contact the director of planned giving at (615) 248-1213.
Can I donate items or property to Trevecca?
Yes! To donate assets of this nature, please contact Vice President for University Engagement Peg Cooning at (615) 248-1355 or
Who do I talk to for answers to donor-related questions?
- Planned giving: Engagement Officer for Legacy Planning(615) 248-1436
- Donor records such as receipts or tax statements: Engagement specialist for Operations & Gift Stewardship, (615) 248-1413
- Other topics: Office of University Engagement, (615) 248-1355
Trevecca Gift Policies
For information about any Trevecca policy related to donations and giving, view our gift policy guidelines.